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Writer's pictureChelsea Hester-Bradt

How to Navigate Body Image Struggles: A Heart-Centered Guide

Updated: 5 days ago

Woman at sunset, healing negative body image, body image tips

We live in a world that makes it incredibly hard to love our bodies.

We’re constantly bombarded with messages telling us that our worth is tied to our appearance. It’s no wonder so many of us look in the mirror and feel that sting of not being enough.

From the moment we wake up, we feel like we need to change something about the way we look. The inner critic takes over before the day has even begun.

You’ve probably seen plenty of tips on how to “love your body,” but this post isn’t about throwing affirmations at you or pretending body image struggles can be solved with a quick mantra.

Body image struggles go deeper than surface-level fixes.

These tips aren't about forcing yourself to feel positive all the time. They're designed to help you reconnect with your heart and soul, because that’s where true healing begins.

So if you’re tired of feeling stuck or disconnected from your body, these tips are here to help you navigate those feelings and start building a more compassionate relationship with yourself — from the inside out.


1. Don't judge your 'bad body image' days

First and foremost, if you wake up feeling extra yucky in your body, don't beat yourself up about it.

Often my clients, especially if they've been working on self-acceptance for a while, feel like the goal is that they shouldn't ever have days where they struggle to love the skin they're in.

Challenging body image days are ALWAYS going to happen, no matter how long you've been on your healing journey. The journey to body acceptance is rarely easy, and that’s okay. Grant yourself the grace to struggle without judgment.

Some days you might feel more connected to your body, while others might bring up old frustrations or habits. You might rely more on comfort foods or feel emotionally stretched in different seasons of life.

Whatever you’re experiencing, let it be. Allow your journey to unfold without self-blame or shame. Struggling doesn’t mean failure; it means you’re human, and it’s okay for it to be messy.


2. Prioritize self-care

Coffee and book, healing body image, negative body image, body image issues and tips

What does self-care have to do with body image?

If you're struggling to love your body, it's important to remember that your body is only one aspect of yourself.

It's easy to feel gross in our skin and let that impact and infiltrate all of our thoughts and beliefs about ourselves as a person.

By choosing self-care, you're sending yourself the message that you are worthy of respect and deserving of care - regardless of what your body looks or feels like today.

I can't emphasize this enough.

Taking care of yourself isn’t just about checking off a to-do list. It’s about tuning in to what your body and heart need.

Ask yourself:

"How am I feeling?"

"How is my heart?"

"What do I need - right now, this week, in this chapter of my life?" "What can I give myself to feel nourished and supported?"

Then, make adjustments and set priorities accordingly.

Your specific actions might change from day to day, but the goal is the same: find ways to tend to your emotional, mental, and physical well-being regardless of whether you like the way you look.

Whether it’s taking a nap, setting boundaries, or indulging in a hobby you love, make space for yourself in whatever way feels good.


3. Be mindful of mirrors

Our relationship with our reflection can impact our body image more than we realize. It’s easy to get caught up in negative thoughts when we see ourselves too often.

If negative thoughts and criticisms arise when you see your reflection, make a point to spend less time around mirrors. You might need to adjust your environment and either remove or cover up some mirrors in spaces you are commonly in.

Less exposure to these triggers gives you more space to focus on what really matters.

Spend more time with your journal. With nature. With your heart. You'll get a much clearer reflection of the real you.


4. Monitor your social media consumption

computer, social media influence on body image, body image tips, healing negative body image

The content we consume plays a big role in shaping how we feel about ourselves.

If you’re following accounts that promote unrealistic beauty standards or guilt you into changing your body, it’s time to unfollow.

Set a boundary and don't let these thoughts or messages into your life. Period. Done. Go do it right now.

There are incredible accounts out there that support body diversity, Health at Every Size, and food freedom. Make space for more of those uplifting, supportive messages in your feed.


Body image support toolbox, screenshot, digital Notion guide for body image issues

Ready for More Support on Hard Body Image Days?

We all have those days when body image struggles feel extra heavy. The Body Image Support Toolbox is here to help you find comfort and resources when you need it most.

Inside, you'll get:

  • 40 Body-Neutral Affirmations to ground you without feeling fluffy or fake.

  • A curated Spotify playlist designed to help you tune out diet culture & reconnect to your body.

  • A handpicked list of 50 Anti-Diet Instagram accounts to counter the mainstream narratives on social media.

Sign up below to get immediate access to this supportive resource—your go-to guide for those tough body image moments.


5. Wear comfortable clothes

How we physically feel in our clothes can deeply impact how we feel about our bodies.

Make sure your clothes fit.

Sounds simple enough, but sometimes buying new clothes is a hassle so it's tempting to hold onto old clothes as long as you can. No matter how special those pants are, it's never comfortable to have a waistband digging into your skin.

Let go of items that no longer serve you; it's an act of kindness to honor your body as it is today.

Give yourself permission to put comfort over style. Find clothes that feel good and allow you to move freely regardless of the current trends or what you feel you 'should' wear.

Explore the benefits of shopping from home rather than in-store.

I'm a big fan of Stitch Fix where clothes get mailed to me and I can try them on in the privacy of my home and send back whatever doesn't fit or I don't like. This is convenient, but also better for my mental health.


6. Avoid the scale

Your body is more than a number, and tracking your weight can be a harmful habit if it causes stress or negative self-talk.

Consider taking a break from the scale—or removing it altogether.

Your weight will fluctuate throughout your life. That’s normal. What's not okay, is letting that number dictate how you feel about yourself or your worth.

Resist the urge to measure yourself by a number, and instead, focus on how your body feels and what it needs.


7. Pursue joyful movement

One of the easiest ways to hate your body is to become distant or separate from it. Many people who struggle with body image begin to see their body as something to be controlled, rather than a vessel for their spirit.

Movement is a way for you to reconnect with your body. It's a chance for you to check in and notice how it’s doing, how it’s feeling, & what it needs.

It's a lot harder to hate something that you know intimately. Movement is a way for you to get to know your body. To communicate and turn inward.

walking, joyful movement, healing body image

Joyful movement is about listening to your body’s cues and moving in a way that feels nurturing, not restrictive.

Movement doesn’t have to be elaborate. Focus on what feels good—whether that’s a short walk, stretching, or dancing around your living room.

The goal is to connect with our bodies - that has nothing to do with colories burned or muscles toned.


8. Consume inspirational content

Seek out content that is anti-diet, that promotes intuitive eating, that lifts your spirit and helps you feel supported in your healing journey with your body.

Whether it’s reading a book, listening to a podcast, or watching a favorite TED Talk, surround yourself with anti-diet and body-affirming content.

I encourage my clients to create a playlist of their favorite podcast episodes. These could be episodes that remind you how harmful diet culture is or an episode that helps you reconnect with your heart. Use this as a resource on days when you're struggling with your body. Turn towards these words as comfort and support when you need to hear something other than your negative thoughts on repeat in your mind.

By filling your mind with encouraging content, you create an environment that supports body acceptance and personal growth.


9. Set boundaries with loved ones

It’s not okay for people to comment on your body, weight, or food choices. Setting boundaries can be hard, but it's absolutely worth it.

friends outside, healing body image, negative body image tips

Most people don’t realize the impact of their comments. That means you may need to educate those around you about what feels harmful, and how their words affect you.

You might need to ask your family members not to comment on your appearance. Or request that your partner be mindful of how they talk about food.

We can't control the behavior of others but we can make requests or remove ourselves from harmful situations.

You deserve to feel safe and supported in your relationships, and that includes advocating for yourself when needed.


10. Get curious about your negative thoughts

When negative body image thoughts arise, approach them with curiosity instead of judgment.

Ask yourself:

  • Where is this thought coming from?

  • Is it based on societal standards or my own beliefs?

  • Is this thought true, or is it something I’ve been conditioned to believe?

👉 Challenge these thoughts when they surface and give your inner critic a name. When it starts getting a little rowdy, reel them in. Tell them to quiet down. And instead, turn up the volume of your soul, your truth, your higher self.


These tips are designed to help you cultivate a compassionate relationship with your body, no matter the day or circumstance. Body acceptance is a lifelong journey, and every step you take is meaningful.

Which of these tips resonates with you most?

Let’s support each other in this journey. Share this post with anyone who might need some extra love and encouragement on their path to body acceptance. ❤️

Body image support toolbox, screenshot, digital Notion guide for body image issues

Ready for More Support on Hard Body Image Days?

We all have those days when body image struggles feel extra heavy. The Body Image Support Toolbox is here to help you find comfort and resources when you need it most.

Inside, you'll get:

  • 40 Body-Neutral Affirmations to ground you without feeling fluffy or fake.

  • A curated Spotify playlist designed to help you tune out diet culture & reconnect to your body.

  • A handpicked list of 50 Anti-Diet Instagram accounts to counter the mainstream narratives on social media.

Sign up below to get immediate access to this supportive resource—your go-to guide for those tough body image moments.

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